Welcome to Operation Tail Wag~Pet Care for the Military

At Operation Tail Wag, we are dedicated to providing high-quality care for the furry friends of our military and Veterans. For the last nine years, we have assisted many families. Whether they were going to training, off for deployment, hospitalization, moving or any other reason that will keep them away from home. You will find the most recent news, fundraiser information and you can find it all in one spot.. There will also be a section that highlights a few of our pets currently looking for their forever homes! 


This PAWSOME gift arrived for the 3 Amigos!! You remember the three senior labradors we went to PA for, right??!!! Smokey, Bandit and Maggie!! This was sent for them and their furry friends here this Valentines Day! We are always in need of donations and everything is a true blessing to us all here

Donating is simple! 

Our  Mission

   OTW is one of few organizations that provide such services. We started this all for the Military but since our start, we have been able to assist more than military pets! Any extra spots available, we will go and save pets from our local shelters and find them loving forever homes! At this current time, we serve the following areas:

OHIO-   The Entire State!!!!!

When transportation, gasoline expenses, travel and scheduling can all occur, we also service these areas:

  *Southern Michigan            *Western Pennsylvania     
  *Western West Virginia      *Northern Kentucky            
  *Eastern Indiana                    *Northeast and Eastern      
  *West Virginia                         *Eastern tip of New York


Frequently asked questions

What services do you offer to the military and veterans?

We provide housing, food, treats, vet care, spay/neuter, vaccinations and any other necessity a pet needs. In addition, they get field trips, toys and even report cards! **Services are free for the first 3 months for Service members and Veterans

What is required to qualify?

to qualify for our services as a veteran or military affiliated you must provide us with 

•Current mil.com email address

•any military ID showing your status in the military

•Veterans need to have DD-214 

•or any form of ID stating you are in the military. 

What if I am not a veteran or in the military?

We provide the same services to the rest of our communities at a very discounted price. We have specific application for non military families. It can be found on the forms page.

*Did you know?…. Dogs can learn 1,000 words*