What we do………

      We provide housing and all necessities of pet(s) of Military families and Veterans,  when they are                      away from home. They later reunite and everyone is happy they were only apart temporarily. 

      When a Service Member or Veteran must be away from home due to training, deployment, hospitalization or any other reason, we provide temporary housing and all necessities needed. Thus far, we have been able to provide this service FREE of charge to the Military and Veterans. Before 2015, there were too many military related owner surrenders occurring. It was heartbreaking watching  owners and pets have to say goodbye. Permanently without one good reason at all. With our assistance, this does not have to happen. We will care for the pets as they are ours. That truly is already the case. Once a pet has come here, instantly they are part of an extended  family of all types. Not only is housing provided, all vetting (including spay/neuter), food/treats, outings  (we call field trips), and lots of other activities and learning. Our next Phase is in the works!! It is a very big project so it is taking time, but all good things come to those who wait!


Fun Fact:

At the age of eight weeks, future military dogs are placed in dedicated foster homes in the San Antonio/Austin area. Foster volunteers are charged with training and nurturing puppies over a five-month commitment period, from 6 weeks to 7 months old.