How it started…

June of 2015, in the parking lot of a Pet Supplies Plus, i was running an event for a rescue I was with at that time. I had asked for someone to help if possible and an old family friend, that lived nearby, said she would help for the day. During a slow period, we were just chatting about anything when she asked, “if you could start a new rescue, what would it be?” It probably wasn’t three seconds and my answer was flying out of my mouth. “I would have an organization for military & Veterans pets”. I continued to explain why and what I would do to make a change. She seemed quite surprised and a week later I was a 501c3, non profit organization. 

I chose that answer because in the months leading up to this, too many phone calls were coming in with service members asking for help and needing to surrender their pets. Why?? They were called to duty or needed to attend boot camp and many other reasons. That was sad but what I could not wrap my head around was when they all would say “my mom won’t watch her”, no one in my family will keep them while I’m gone”. Most the calls we both were crying before the end. They did not want to surrender their pet but were now left with no other choice. I could not see how anyone could not watch the pet(s) of a person that signed up to fight for our freedom and rights. A person willing to die for all of us, and then has to say goodbye permanently to their pet. I had to do something. I just had to. 
I also have big plans for the future but that just depends on donations, sponsors and volunteer's. The “Canine Cabins (featured on site) is the next dream to be accomplished. It would be amazing for the pets as well as a major help to myself. You can see more about it here in the “Canine Cabin” section. If able to achieve that goal, the next would be helping domestic violence victims in the same way. While they have to go to a shelter or safe place, the pets would be cared for and then reunited with their families! Lots to work towards and hope for answered prayers! 
The services provided by Operation Tail Wag (OTW) are FREE to all service members and Veterans, for the first four months. After then, charges are applied but they are as discounted as they can possibly be. Originally the services were free for the entire stay. We rely solely on donations so it became impossible to continue without charging. The services also are available to the public (when room is available) also at discounted prices. 
when there are spots open, we also save dogs “on death row” and owner surrenders. There is ALWAYS a spot for a service member or Veterans pet. That is why OTW is here and that will always be the main focus! 

A little about the Founder/Owner…

Owner/founder aka ‘Top Dog’, is Christy Morgan from Northeast Ohio. She has been saving pets as long as she can recall. Early enough to remember sneaking cats in the house only to be told they couldn’t stay! Over her adult years, she has fostered of 300 pets and rescued, saved and adopted out countless!